Belris specializes in the powder brow technique, creating beautifully defined and natural-looking eyebrows. Our skilled technicians carefully deposit pigment into the skin using precise techniques, gradually building up color density for a soft, powdered finish. With attention to detail and expertise, we ensure that each client achieves their desired brow look with long-lasting results.

Powder Brows

Powder brows involve depositing pigment to create a soft, powdered effect on the eyebrows, mimicking filled-in brows with a natural gradient for a defined look.

Powder Brows + Hair Strokes

Powder brows with hair strokes combine the soft, powdered effect of powder brows with the natural-looking hair-like strokes of microblading, resulting in fuller, more defined eyebrows with a realistic appearance.

Powder Brows in LA

Best Brow Bar LA

Powder Brows FAQ’s


What do I need to know before booking ?

Please be advised to remove your eyebrow makeup prior to your appointment, or we can assist you with their removal upon arrival. Additionally, refrain from consuming drugs, blood thinners, or alcohol within 24 hours before your appointment. On the day of your treatment, please avoid consuming caffeine-containing beverages.


What is the aftercare process?

Aftercare for permanent eyebrows involves keeping the area clean and dry for 7-10 days. Avoid water, sweat, and makeup. Don’t scratch or pick at the area. Apply recommended aftercare products and follow technician’s instructions for best results.


Does permanent eyebrows hurt?

During a permanent eyebrow procedure, discomfort varies. We prioritize your comfort with numbing agents. If needed, we apply a second anesthetic if pain occurs after the skin is broken.


Can I book multiple services within the some appointment?

Yes, you can book multiple services within the same appointment, depending on availability and the duration of each service. Please inquire with our team about scheduling multiple services together.


Do I have to come back for a touch up?

Yes, it is generally recommended to schedule a touch-up appointment between 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure to ensure optimal results and address any areas that may need additional pigment or shaping adjustments.
